I fell in love with color at New Trier High School in Winnetka, IL where they had an amazing art department and after that I attended a private design school in Chicago where I left with honors. There could be a long drawn out story about how I got started dyeing yarn but it's really simple, I love color, I love yarn and I love knitting. I also love cake, but I'll save that for another time.
We are a true family run business run out of our studio in Woodbury, Connecticut. My husband Christopher works for the shop full time... He used to be a high end residential architect, but prefers twisting and shipping your yarn, so who I am I to complain! We met at work so we are used to working together, a question that we get asked all the time. We've been at this for years and we haven't killed each other yet, so let's call that a win! Our daughter Grace goes to Hofstra University in New York and helps out when needed.
It's not very riveting, but it's the way I like it and I wouldn't change it for the world.